Officers of the University
हम अलग हैं, हम अलार्ड हैं

Hospital Industrial experience-15 Years, Academic Teaching and Administration experience in University -17 Years,
Total Experience-32 Years in 05 Universities (02 state and 03 Private) Post-PhD Research experience-14 years
55 Research papers in Journals & conferences
Supervisory Experience-10 Years with 14 PhD Scholars (06 awarded PhDs)
Quality (QCI) Assessment of hospitals as NABH assessor-05 Years and assessed 50 hospitals for NABH certifications
NQAS certified consultant
Has been a member of various academic and admin committees and Councils of the University.
Experience of establishing 02 new departments in 02 Universities.
M. B. B. S. MHA (Master of Hospital Administration), LLB (Hon) medical jurisprudence MPhil-HHSM bits Pilani PhD-HCE (Public Health)
Dean-Alard School of Health & Biosciences