Alard University

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Dr. C. P. Jawahar has 24 years of experience in industry, teaching and research. He holds a Ph.D. in vapour absorption refrigeration system from Anna University, Chennai. A Certified Energy Auditor by Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, New Delhi and Distinguished Lecturer in Indian Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE). He has published research papers in journals and conferences of repute. Has carried out research and consultancy projects funded by government agencies and industry.  Developed 30 hours of lecture on the course “Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering” under Swayam Prabha DTH Project by IIT Kanpur.Prior to Alard University, Pune he was the Dean of Faculty of Technology at Kalinga University, Raipur.

Dr. C. P. Jawahar

B.E., M. Tech. , Ph.D.

Dean, School of Engineering & Technology.